Thursday, 21 December 2023

'O Rising One'.


November was a very productive month in Nazaré, with the hull finished except for the top coats of paint, and the interior getting into shape too. We are all set up for a big effort to launch in the Spring.

Along with improving life at home, it is remarkable what a hold this project has on me, after five years of uphill struggle. The more the world seems to be going to Hell in a handbasket, the less I find myself inclined to pay much attention to it! After all, as I see it, millions are dying before they ought to be, and the mainstream media only talk about those aspects of it that they want to. I have looked in vain for reference in the Guardian for example to the recent debate in Westminster about the proposed new WHO treaty. If they think they have to guard anything, national and individual sovereignty in such matters ought to be very high on their priorities. Well, I will settle for asserting my sovereignty as best I can, and for proving how good life can be in that little zone over which I have a degree of control.

Coming home in the old citroen with Fiona was fun. Here are some photos from the ferry leaving Santander:-

As long as we manage to keep the sense of fun alive, we must be doing something right. Chances are, if we play, we can also pray; and according to Fr Simon at his talk in Glenstal the other day, the two make the essence of the Lord's Day, which the longest of the ten commandments bids us to keep holy.

I have the temerity in fact to associate the renovation of the 'Anna M' with the rediscovery of such truths. Sunday Mass in the Sanctuario de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré has greatly helped me to keep at it anyway, and this Gannetsway, which the project celebrates, constitutes what for myself is the heartland of Catholicism. Transcendent notions do need to be grounded in physical realities like geography, by virtue of the mystery of the incarnation which we celebrate at Christmas, and which makes Christian faith so distinctive,- without it religious faith can indeed be very oppressive.

Meanwhile, since I cannot expect most people to share such ideas yet, the Sea, 'the common sacrament of Man' according to Hilaire Belloc, provides a challenge, a value system and a basis for authority that I hope they will find very difficult to deny. The sea, at least, does not suffer fools gladly! And either we deliver this project or we don't, but we shall try very hard.... Happy Christmas all!

Advent star from the gate of Glenstal Abbey,

O Oriens, splendor lucis aeternae et sol justitiae, veni, et illumina sedentes in tenebris, et umbra mortis.

O rising one, splendor of eternal light and sun of justice, come, shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.

1 comment:

I welcome feedback.... Joe