Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Kennedy for the Enquiry!

So here we are, another New Year, and we wish each other a happy and healthy one. Labouring under not a few difficulties, progress with the 'Anna M' was slow enough last year, but we have arrived at a point where the main doubt about getting her on the water again this year is whether it will be possible to finance it. Not much to be said about that at the moment, so I shall revisit another little matter that has been making things difficult. I have not been writing about it lately, because I felt I had said what I have to say, and all I could do was give it time, for people who know more about it to have their say, and for the truth to come out. Now, however, there is a battle to be fought. The truth is coming out alright, from all kinds of quarters, but there remain very powerful people trying to suppress it. They are about as likely to admit that their narrative is false as President Putin is to disown his!

Our brave Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, has announced that there will be an enquiry into the handling of the pandemic. 'Such an inquiry should not be about pointing fingers or ascribing blame. It’s going to be about getting to the truths, understanding what happened. What we did well, what we did badly, what could have been done better, because we can’t assume that this is going to be the last big pandemic in our lifetime,” he said.

Typical weasel words, meaning another whitewash. He and his global cronies continue to assure us that the vaccines are 'safe and effective', even while it becomes more and more clear that they are doing a lot more harm than good. The chances of them admitting same, let alone apologising, are vanishingly slim. On the contrary, they have not quite succeeded in forcing us to take their vaccines every few months for the rest of our lives, so the sooner they can drum up another big scare, the better they will be pleased.  But thank God for the likes of Robert Kennedy, who really is enabling us to 'get to the truths and understand what happened'. Will Varadkar read his book, 'The Real Anthony Fauci', let alone engage with what he says? If he does, any chance that like myself he will come to the conclusion that a lot of people, from Fauci down, need to go to prison?

As for Big Pharma, busy spending a good deal of their ill-gotten gains on huge new factories, is it conceivable that they will let their investments go to waste? Too right we may well assume there will be another big scare coming down the tracks! We may also assume that Varadkar and his likes will be in there cheer-leading the 'salvation' they will offer us. The suppression of those voices who really are interested in the truth will most probably be even more vicious than it has been this last time. The health service will become more and more dysfunctional, while we have to sit back and watch democracy and our civil rights being subverted. The only chance of an alternative is for certain people to be held accountable and real changes in our approach made. There are plenty of leads in Kennedy's book to make a start.

Here in Ireland, we may have  a pretty good place to do so. It's no wonder that Varadkar is not interested in 'ascribing blame'! Or perhaps he could explain the difference between this and the slightly less unfashionable notion of holding those responsible for lies, extortion and murder, or maybe simply moral cowardice and incompetence, to account? Come on Taoiseach, you and your likes have had a fine bandwagon supporting your story, let us hear the other side now. How about asking Robert Kennedy to come over and undertake that enquiry?

Light and Dark in the Old Country.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Aston,
    as a citizen of the Republic of Austria, the only 'Western democracy' that actually implemented compulsory vaccination law (!), I feel touched by your comment of Jan 3rd.
    Basic Human Rights, The Charta of the European Union, The Nuremberg Codex, studies of renowed medical experts, mass protests in the streets, more than 180.000 written petition notes to the parliament in Vienna - all that was ignored by a brutal regime (government, jurisdiction, media, church ...) that hardly can be named other than fascist, after all.
    Right of self-determination, Right to physical integrity, Freedom of speech, and many other accomplishments of modern civilization, have been eliminated by one heavy blow worldwide.
    But I agree with you and Mr. Kennedy and many, many other voices, that become louder and louder these days: This is not the end of it.
    Truth will come.

    Take care,
    good luck to you and Fiona
    and fair winds to 'Anna M'!



I welcome feedback.... Joe