Saturday, 6 June 2020


Heading 'Back to Normal'?
Fiona and I are two and a half months in lockdown now, and still counting. Herself is hobbling around, more than somewhat incapacitated with a sore hip and now 'plantar faschiitis'. Never heard of it? Neither had I, but it's bad news and Dr Google will tell you all about it. 'You shouldn't be self-diagnosing', says a physiotherapist on the phone. Pity about that appointment with a specialist that was supposed to happen in late January! We live in hope.

     We have to be grateful for the fact that the weather has for
photo by Cristiona!
the most part been splendid during this lockdown, and doubly so that we live in the right place to enjoy it; we have had a very good lockdown in fact. One does not hear much of such sentiments, but surely we are not alone in this? The Azores High is in great heart anyway, and going to remain that way apparently for the next while. But it has been a bit weird, living peacefully here while mayhem rules in so many places and so many are suffering, - sickness, riots, job losses and the rest, particularly the intense personal stresses that inevitably result.

     Times not so long ago, when for instance I could blithely head off sailing and forget about the world, are beginning to seem like distant memories from another era; not that, as a look through my old posts will confirm, this state of affairs didn't come well heralded here. It may be some help to remember that this pandemic has only brought to head a multi-facetted dis-ease. 

     They say that 'trouble comes in threes'. Give credit where it's due, - the Americans are certainly good at 'getting stuff out there', and they can be relied upon to articulate what we in polite European society may be more inclined to try to ignore! They also love acronyms, so may I offer a new one, -PPEP; Personal, Political and Economic Problems? Go on Yanks, tell us about the PPEPs, which you excel in getting out there while we are inclined to sit on them even as they feed on each other and rot our guts! 

     It is good and hopeful in a way when these things are brought to a head! In the midst of all the misery, there is an extraordinary syncronicity in the world! We have a chance at last to address issues that have been festering for many years; to me it seems that we are being offered one last chance! Offered by whom or what, you say? Have it your own way! I realise many people will only get turned off if I start talking about God and His Providence. It could do more harm than good, and anyway I refer to Jesus' attitude, that it was not saying 'Lord, Lord' which counts, but doing the divine will, in practical ways. 

     Perhaps everyone 'of good will' may agree that the worst affliction that we have been suffering from is that dreadful sense of fatalism, which results in the time-honoured saying that 'there is nothing we can do about it!' It suddenly appears that there are many things that we can do, which would have been unthinkable a few short months ago. THIS IS IT; the time when we must finally stand up for our better selves and take responsibility for the world in every way we can, however small and insignificant it may seem. It is the cumulative effect of so many little things that will make the difference! It is the fact that we are all being wrenched away from our usual cosy corners that is enabling it, even if we are living a quiet life on an Irish island. The internet brings the world and all its suffering even into our cottage here. This encounter feels odd, but will surely be creative!

    So anyway SNAPP, the Sherkin Nazaré Alternative Power

Project, has by no means been forgotten, while the Anna M waits patiently under her sun cover 
in Nazaré. Alec is back at his workshop there, with his prototype electric motor taking shape, and I hope I shall soon have positive things to report from this direction!

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