Friday, 31 January 2020

Where We Stand.

So Britain has exited the EU, though nobody seems to know what this will in fact entail! The concepts advanced by its proponents are as vacous as ever, but they appear to involve a yet deeper dependence on the Big Brother Chinese state for internet technology and on a pyromaniac President of the USA for security, in a relationship wherein the Brits will have the privileges of eating dodgy food and paying more for their drugs, all the time claiming to be 'taking back control'. This is what Mr Farrage calls 'fighting globalism'!

     Far from being 'done', Brexit has hardly begun. Sooner or later, the lies will be exposed. Poor Sir Keir Starmer claims that 'There are no leavers or remainers anymore', but it is no use just papering over the cracks. European minded Englishmen may be forced out of positions of influence and responsibility while a vacuous but uneasy calm is imposed in England, but the real choices remain. 

     Unfortunately the battle is likely to be fought out in Ireland and Scotland. It won't be the first time that England, and indeed Europe, has thus exported its conflicts, such as that between King James II and William of Orange. What it will involve this time round is frankly beyond me, but meanwhile it is clear what we have to be doing.

     Lies cannot really be combatted head-on. They are by nature devious. Neither is there much point in trying to confront directly rogue or foolish powers that be. While we do have to resist and expose them, perhaps the best way to do so to work around them as best one can, and work all the harder at what is true and positive. Many valuable relationships have been built up in the last half century, in all sorts of ways, let them be personal, academic, industrial or whatever. We must keep doing our best to sustain and improve them.

     In some ways politics can be a mere mesmerizing distraction from this real work. For my part, I am applying myself as best I can to SNAPP, the Sherkin Nazaré Alternative Power Project. We are trying to develop electric and hydrogen drives, especially for boats, between Nazaré in Portugal and Sherkin Island in SW Ireland. Please email me if you are interested in participating - gannetsway(at)

Here I am!

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