Saturday, 15 September 2018

Brainstorming Electric Drives.

The renovation of the 'Anna M' has escalated into an undertaking which is frankly beyond my means. I tried a bit of crowd-funding on the basis of offering trips, as I used to do, in exchange for participating in the renovation of this classic wooden boat, but we did not raise enough to make it work. This leaves the way clear however for an even more exciting project, a way that will not alone see the boat through to a new lease of life, but a highly significant and productive one at that.

A felicitous meeting of minds, between myself and Alec Lammas, who is directing the renovation, finds both of us keen on the idea of installing a self-regenerative electric drive in the now empty hull, soon however to be stronger than ever, and using the 'Anna M' as a research and development platform for same, while also sailing round the Gannetsway (predominantly Portugal, Spain, France and Ireland, where Alec has the franchise for selling Lynch Electric Motors) to demonstrate and sell them.

Our John invited us to a brainstorming session in the old cow shed that he has brilliantly adapted to this purpose at his place in Co Clare*, and Alec flew from Portugal to participate. John kicked off by asking us both to write up on the boards our answers to the questions Why? What? & Who?  Off we went to work in the stalls on each side of the shed, and this was the result:-

(Joe) WHY?
  1. Finish ‘Anna M’ (Worthwhile keeping classic boat afloat).
  2. Install electric drive because it’s quiet, smooth, cheap to run, instantaneous power, little servicing, puts emphasis back on sailing.
  3. More interesting and more FUN than steaming along under power in the noisy little bubble of one’s own intention.
Family /personal
  1. Need to spread responsibility and justify spending when this old man is on the way out.
  2. Instead of being a mere ‘hole in the water for pouring money into’, the boat will create work and business opportunities for the new generation.
  3. Been dreaming about it these last 10 years or so - it’s now or never!
  4. This Gannetsway project builds on my long interest in Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal and the relationship between them.
  1. Transition to sustainable post-Oil Age extremely urgent.
  2. Many possibilities in both leisure use and fishing.
  3. Developing a whole new culture and relationship with nature, especially for seafarers and fishermen, particularly between the Atlantic nations of Europe.

Phase I - Install self-regenerating electric drive in ‘Anna M’, monitor performance, modify/improve. The propeller will charge the batteries through the motor, when the boat is sailing well. The direction of the power, to or from the prop, will change easily as appropriate. There will also be as many solar panels as practical, and of course it will be possible to recharge with shore power.
Phase II - demonstrate, sell and install more drives, make money.

Phase III - if possible move on to manufacturing, with preference for cooperation with small artisanal outfits rather than big business.

The Electrosail Project stems from a meeting of minds between Alec Lammas and Joe Aston. Alec will be Managing Director - see his Who? section. Joe will be focussed primarily on the Anna M and promotion of the equipment, as well as overall strategy.

  • It’s something positive to pass the time with.
  • It’s a collection of subjects I’m already linked to.
  • I’m at a place in life where I need to lighten up the work I do (physically - clarify priorities - lighter mind).
  • Money isn’t about to go out of fashion (i.e. need income).
  • I trust the people and products I’ll be involved with.
  • The potential for success of project is limitless.
  • It’s something I’ve had on the backburner for years and the time is right now.

  • Replacing internal combustion engines in both commercial and pleasure boats with electric propulsion units, principally ‘LYNCH’ marine drive systems.
  • Developing, improving, conceiving, producing and researching new technologies such as battery management systems, regenerative charging systems, revised versions of ‘LYNCH’ motors.


  • Joe / Alec - communication, testing/researching, demonstrating, selling, promoting.
  • Alec / Joe - ideas, technical improvements/ R&D, installing, selling.
  • Secretary T.B.A. - paperwork, billing, accounting etc
  • Investors welcome.
Heads together in the cow stalls - Ger Kavanagh,
Joe, Steve Morris and Alec Lammas.
The brainstorming session was brilliant and we have a clear idea where we want to go. One might ask also Where? Alec is based in Nazaré, Portugal, which is strategically placed between Northern and Southern Europe, and there we hope to open a premises with workshop, store and office. Conversion jobs would preferably be undertaken there, but Alec hopes to put a lorry with a crane on the road that will be able to transport small boats by road. If there proves to be the demand, we may look for premises elsewhere also, in Ireland for example. Now for the hard part - we have to set about seeing what capital we can raise! Any potential share-holders out there?
In the Party Shed at Astoneco.


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I welcome feedback.... Joe