Having been virtually forced off the sea for these last three years, I realise more strongly than ever why I must get back on it again this year, or otherwise be in danger of losing the desire to live. It is nearly sixty years now since I realised just how lonely the quest for truth is inclined to be in this world. One cannot altogether trust anyone, even oneself, and one certainly cannot trust the ‘leaders’; least of all the politicians and pundits, but, unfortunately, priests, doctors and the rest of the establishment as well. In situations of war, of course, the usual difficulties of establishing truth are multiplied many times over. It has frequently been said that the pandemic is like a war. For the first time lately, I am inclined to agree, but I do not see the virus as the enemy; rather those who are using it for very murky purposes indeed.
My thinking life really got going at that particular moment, when I heard that President Kennedy had been shot. Here we are, still waiting for an authoritative and transparent account of that event. There have been a few great guys who have held out some kind of public promise that truth was still an option. I might mention Bob Dylan for example. Nowadays one might mention Joe Rogan. All along however there is the multitude of working people, those who actually keep the show on the road, supplying our food, fixing our houses and our cars, building boats, who give one hope by keeping their humour and sanity alive even in the midst of the kind of insanity we have been living through for the last couple of years. Now I hear them saying that it has to stop. They are done with being psychologically terrorised. But this kind of bogey is difficult to bundle off into the darkness it came from.
Governments the world over, the legacy media that we once depended on to give us some passably reasonable account of what is going on in the world, all stand exposed, naked. For the most part, they have no interest in truth. Truth, what is that? Pilate, the Emperor with no clothes. The likes of me have been saying it for over fifty years, but never perhaps have I felt the truth of it with the same force. The writing has been ‘peeling off the walls’ all that time. Finally, something has to go up in its place! But what will it be?
Many people, probably the majority, are so frightened by this situation that they will just double down, no matter how absurd the narrative gets. The vaccines don’t work; they neither prevent infection nor transmission, well then let us have boosters. Far from ‘flattening the curve’, all these do is boost the infection rate to stratospheric heights. Well then, let us have another booster!
It’s all a lot worse than even I anticipated, and it makes Brexit look relatively trivial, though it does provide an interesting parallel. Far from admitting their failure, the British Government systematically attempts to repress the realisation of it, and also of the damage which it is causing. They go on mindlessly repeating their little mantras, ‘We got Brexit done’, ‘I believe in Science and in Vaccination’ . They are liable to turn viciously and irrationally on those who question their narratives. But the story is complicated and involved. Nowhere is the battle likely to be sharper than within the EU. Can it possibly maintain its proud claim to be a zone of freedom and the rule of law? The mistake those Brexiteers make is to believe, contrary to all the lessons of history, that they can insulate themselves from this battle behind the white cliffs of Dover. In fact it will be a global battle, whether we like it or not; but we would all do well to sort out our priorities with our neighbours first of all.
Where do we go from here? Well, 'the weight of this sad time we must obey;/speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.' So says Albany at the end of 'King Lear'. The poor old king never had the chance, but we might as well enjoy ours to amuse ourselves with watching the drama play out around us. Unvaccinated, Fiona and I have just had covid, 'confirmed' by PCR. We caught it from our vaccinated children. We are recovering well. Meanwhile, we get called selfish because we decline to participate in an illegal medical experiment, carrying serious risks, and all because apparently we threaten people who, if the vaccines did work as one has been led to believe, were supposed to be protected.
The damage that is being done to our societies, by the deliberate fostering of fear and psychosis, is beyond measure. Trying to force people to get the vaccinations, and especially children, will go down as a very great crime, when the truth comes out. Meanwhile, how much harm will be done to them? At this stage there is precious little point in arguing about it. People either see it or they don’t; yet if we do try to debate the matter, it would seem the vaccines clearly qualify as medical experiments, and a pretty good place to start a debate is the Nuremburg Code.*
Next month I will be back to Portugal, striving to get the old boat out again. The sea and all to do with it can be cruel and difficult, but the great beauty of it is that it does not lie. It is not impressed by our silly human pretensions. For a while it may pretend to allow us the upper hand, but that will not endure. The bigger and more stubborn the lies we face and must contend with, for that is the human condition, the greater and more stunning the beauty and truth that will eventually be revealed! This is the great mystery of Resurrection. The seed must die, our boats will have their day, but a great Beauty is being born of it all!